Opening Eyes

From our staff: Once, Josh and I were in Vancouver, B.C. for a  conference. Almost 2,500 Canadians came from all over the area (some drove 24 hours) to attend this conference titled “Hidden in Plain Sight.” Josh spoke at the opening and closing sessions, presented at a workshop, and spoke at a local church on […]

Books for the Batboy

From our staff: Recently, we held an Apologetics Seminar at a church in California. One of the people helping me for the weekend was Dan, the Missions Pastor at the church. He shared his story with me of how our ministry influenced his life: I grew up in a religiously diverse family. My two sisters […]

Answers within Reach

Dear Josh: I wanted to write and tell you what an amazing impact your book, More Than a Carpenter has had on me and my youth ministry. It is a great resource for high school and college youth pastors and youth leaders. I am a youth leader at my local church and lead a small […]

“Carpenter” in France

Josh’s book, More than a Carpenter, has been given away on college  campuses, at special Christmas and Easter events, at doctor’s appointments, and in other situations. We are so excited to see the interest people have shown, especially because it is definitely not the expected typical French response: “We gave about 50 copies of the […]

Indestructible Joy

Josh: I have a great story to tell, and will try to give you the very abbreviated version here. Around 2006 a business acquaintance, John, and I got acquainted on a more personal level, and went on a few dates. About a week into this ‘dating’ phase, I learned that John did not share my […]

Easy-to-Understand Truth

The first book I read by Josh McDowell was in May 2016.  It was The Witness.  Right after, I devoured Josh’s biography Undaunted.  This book completely inspired me!  Christians also need inspiration from time to time! I made a firm decision that I will use the book Undaunted to the maximum as a helpful tool for evangelism.  […]

Inter-Generational Ministry

From one of our staff: Once we were in Lafayette, LA, where Josh spoke at a conference. While there I had several people share how our ministry has impacted their life and the life of their families. One woman told me that her sons were heavily influenced by Josh (and the ministry). Every time they’d […]

Answers on YouTube

Hello there! I would just like to thank you for posting videos of Mr. McDowell on YouTube. My 7-year-old son loves to hear the Bible and asks wonderful questions. Recently he asked how we can know that the copy of Matthew we read is what Matthew wrote down. It was wonderful to be able to […]

Always Hope

Dear Josh, I just finished reading your book, Undaunted. Our lives have been inter-twined for a number of decades. I went to Talbot shortly after you did and we had the same typist for our thesis. I did mine on the same subject—so much so that it looked like I had plagiarized your book.  The truth […]

A Much-Needed Wake Up Call

Dear Josh, Well done! I have been sounding the trumpet on this topic [pornography] for the past 10 years.  We hit it hard in our confirmation program at our church for sixth through ninth graders. However, in recent years, I have been convicted that our efforts are coming too late. Despite the fact that all […]