Books for the Batboy

BatboyFrom our staff:

Recently, we held an Apologetics Seminar at a church in California. One of the people helping me for the weekend was Dan, the Missions Pastor at the church. He shared his story with me of how our ministry influenced his life:

I grew up in a religiously diverse family. My two sisters were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Mom and my other sister were Christians, and my dad was into New Age. Needless to say there were a lot of arguments on religion in our house. So, I decided to put that area aside to figure out when I was older.

As a teenager, I was a bat boy for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Occasionally, people would bring free stuff for the players in the clubhouse. Once the players took what they wanted, it was open for the bat boys to take.
One time, the chaplain for the Dodgers brought in copies of Josh’s books, More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict. After the players took what the wanted, I got myself copies of each book. Both books, especially More Than a Carpenter, were instrumental in bringing me to Christ.

Now, years later because of God working through our books, Dan is the missions pastor at a growing, vibrant church in California, equipping his people to reach out to others with the hope found in Christ.

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