When God Feels Distant

blog whengodseemsdistant

“Lord, my God, who am I that you should forsake me? The child of your love – And now I become as the most hated one-the one you have thrown away as unwanted-unloved. I call, I cling, I want-and there is no one to answer- no one on whom I can cling- no, no one.-alone. […]

Two Reasons Skeptics Believe Jesus is not God

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One of the most important features of Christian faith is accepting that Jesus is God. Christians are in trouble, then, if Jesus never made such a claim of himself! Yet many have argued that this is exactly the case: Jesus never claimed to be God, they say, and his divinity is an invention of the […]

Happy, Loving People

Happy, loving people

Happy, loving people are people who share the most love. “Make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life.” 2 Peter 1:5 For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you our accumulated knowledge and research to help […]

Display God’s Love

Display God's Love

God makes it clear that we are to display God’s love, even to those who are mean and hateful to us. You have heard that the law of Moses says, “Love your neighbor” and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be […]

Love: Theme of Life

Love: Theme of Life

Jesus’ words and life make it clear that love is always right. It is right for all people, for all places, and for all times.  Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest command­ment. A second is […]

Loving Hard-to-Love People

Loving Hard-to-Love People

Loving hard-to-love people requires God’s help. But we can do it! “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” ~Jimmy Dugan For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you […]

Can We Trust God?


Welcome! In this post we’ll dive a bit into how our trusting God affects our everyday life. So here’s the thing: many of us don’t trust God. But if we don’t learn to trust God, we’ll never gain a firm foundation for our Christian faith. We’ll always be unsure if He sees us as loved […]

The Problem of Natural Disasters

Many of us are familiar with the so-called Problem of Evil. If God is all-loving, all-powerful, and all-knowing, why is there evil in the world? This question is so important for any Christian to ask. Thankfully, thoughtful responses to this enigma have produced volumes of material. In a nutshell, we see evil in this world because of free will, and […]

Biblical Scripture: Truth or Tale?

Scripture: truth or tale?

Can we Believe What We Read in Scripture? The idea that “what’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me” can lead a person to the conclusion that the moral truths from the Bible are all just a matter of opinion. But this conclusion simply reveals our confusion over the concepts of truth and belief. We are all […]

Religious Freedom: Still an American Hallmark?

religious freedom

Religious Freedom + Cultural Tolerance = ? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. When the First […]

The Bible: Just a Rule Book of “Thou Shalt Nots”?

Bible rule book sm

A lot of people get hung up on what they see as the Bible’s negativity. The Bible gets a bum rap for being “negative,” for being a bunch of rules one has to follow, if God is to be good to us. God’s Word definitely contains “Thou shalt nots,” but God’s intention is not to limit our human experience.  […]

“Oh, my God!” Meaningless Expression or Power Words?

Speak God’s name with reverence. One thing missing in society today is a deep, soul-level reverence for God. We hear people utter God’s name, all day long, but they’re not actually talking to Him — or even about Him. “Oh, my God!” and “Jesus!” and “Oh, Lord!” become just meaningless expressions, convenient ways to respond to a funny joke or dumb thing we see […]

Holding on to the Truth

Josh, I remember meeting you in a parking garage in Orlando during the  2012 YPS conference. I was on staff at Global Youth Ministry at the time and you walked up to the group I was in. I had seen you before and you looked familiar to me, but I didn’t know why. You began […]

Undaunted Hope

Hi, I just watched the movie Undaunted,the story of Josh McDowell. I had no idea what he had been through as a child. He had a drunken father that constantly beat his mother, a sister who committed suicide and a male helper at the farm house they had who sexually abused him for about 7 […]

The Bible: Why Youth Need to Know Its Truths

I’ll Decide My Own Truth To be American is to embrace individual rights, right? Having been brought up to believe this, today’s young people are uncomfortable with the suggestion that there is only one universal truth. “You can believe that silliness,” they might reply. “But I’ll decide my own truth.” Because Christianity appears exclusive, many young people are […]

Ask Him Anything

Dear Josh, I would like to share a story that goes back … to 1985 when you visited our city to spend a week of teaching and ministry in Newcastle England. I was a student then and my memories of that week are still clear in my mind.  The teaching you gave us is still with […]

Is God Racist?

77 FAQs

A racist is one who believes that a certain human race is superior to any or all others, and that it is endowed with an intrinsic superiority, which makes the racial discrimination justified. Based on this definition, some say that God is a racist. They cite, as an example, that throughout history God has favored […]

Is God Sexist?

77 FAQs

As Christians, we view God through a completely different lens than the rest of the world. Nonbelievers portrayed God in many distorted ways, including misogynic (woman-hating), chauvinistic, patriarchal, and sexist. In doing so, they take Scripture completely out of context. Take the accusation of sexism, for example. God is not a sexist. This is not […]

Is Some Truth Just Personal Preference?

77 FAQs

You have probably heard someone say, “Well, that may be true for you, but it’s not true for me.” Behind this phrase lies a deep-seated confusion between the concepts of truth and belief. Clearly, we are all entitled to our beliefs. But does that mean that we have our own respective truths? No. Truth is […]

Did God Create Intelligent Beings Other Than Humans?

77 FAQs

Scientists say matter is spread over a space of at least 93 billion light-years across. There are probably more than 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, with countless planets. That blows the mind! And it may cause us to wonder, are we the only intelligent beings God created in this vast universe? There are […]

Why Did God Create Humans?

77 FAQs

Did God create humans because he was needed someone to relate to? Was he bored and one day got really creative and produced a universe that included people? Some speculate that God wanted or needed human relationships, so created us to remove his own aloneness. One big problem with this thinking is that it implies […]

If God is So Loving, Why Can’t He Be More Tolerant of Sin?

77 FAQs

The reality is that God is merciful, but that isn’t quite the same as being tolerant. There is a reason God can’t stand sin. You see, his core nature is holy and pure. (See Deuteronomy 32:4, Isaiah 54:5, and Revelation 4:8.) So a holy God cannot be in relationship with sin in any manner. He […]

What Causes People to Sin Today?

77 FAQs

From infancy, it appears, we struggle for control to get what we want, when we want it, and in the way we want it. This independent drive to be in charge lies behind every struggle for power, every prejudice, every conflict, and every abuse of relationship since the dawn of time. But where does this […]