Jesus Understands Your Pain
“the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down.” ~Psalm 146:8 Jesus identifies with our feelings, including our personal pain. By becoming human, Jesus experienced daily life as a baby, child, teenager, and man. In his ministry, in which he selflessly poured himself out, he suffered embarrassment, humiliation, abandonment, betrayal, and rejection. He knows how […]
The Mountain-Moving Power of Faith
Let’s talk about faith. Faith is an important and recurring theme in the Bible. Believers are called to put their faith in God’s word. But what is faith, and why is it so important that we develop it? Does faith change our lives? The Bible provides what I consider to be the definitive answer. Hebrews […]
I Won’t Blame God For Very Bad Days
Have you ever had a day like this? A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day where one thing after another keeps piling up, as it did for Job, one of the Bible’s most inspiring characters? “One day … a messenger came to Job and said, ‘…the Sabeans attacked…’ While he was still speaking, another […]
Why God? He Hears Our Prayers
When life feels hard, we need to remind ourselves that God hears our prayers and cares — and not just a little. A LOT. Let’s look at prayer, and some truths about our response to God’s response to them. For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s […]
Book of Ruth: 3 Lessons For Us
Perhaps you are familiar with the Old Testament book of Ruth, a 4-chapter story layered with tragedy, blessings, and the reminder to trust God. Naomi, a Hebrew, along with her husband and two grown sons, forsakes her hometown of Bethlehem to escape a famine. The family settles into nearby Moab (modern day Jordan), for about […]
WWJD During These Hard Times?
WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? Lately we’ve been hearing people say, “2020 is turning out to be a very. bad. year.” Agreed. And not in just one corner of the globe, but all around it. People are tired, worried, and afraid. So perhaps it’s time to revisit an acronym that peaked in popularity for Christians […]
He Knows
John 6: The Feeding of 5,000 The miracle of Jesus feeding a crowd of more than 5,000 people has many lessons. But one currently stands out for me during the coronavirus. “Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), and a great […]
3 Reasons Suffering Serves a Purpose
Human suffering is arguably the most common and difficult problem raised against the goodness of God. Why does God allow us to be hurt and wounded? Isn’t suffering a bad thing? Doesn’t it point to an uncaring and distant God? Let’s look at three reasons that suggest that suffering may actually benefit us. For 50+ […]
Romans 8: Chapter of Assurance
What Scripture is giving you assurance right now? The 39 Bible verses in Romans 8 are packed with God’s promises of care and provision. Let’s look at some of them! For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you our accumulated knowledge […]
Devotional: Recognize God’s Majesty
Are we “woke” to the presence of our amazing God? Or are we so dependent upon our own strength that we fail to acknowledge His majesty all around us? For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you our accumulated knowledge and […]
Devotional: God Wants Your Prayers
God wants our prayers! Since creating Adam, He has yearned to be in close relationship with us. Especially during the moments we find hard and scary, God wants us to bring our fears and doubts. Because He cares. He is listening. He is working through all circumstances for the good of those who love Him. […]
Devotional: When Life Gets Tough
Life is a roller coaster of situations and emotions. We know how to handle the easy and fun times. How does God want us to respond when life gets tough? For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you our accumulated knowledge […]
Devotional: How to Have Peace In Suffering
“Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you.” ~Psalm 55:22 I lost my loving mother when I was 7 years old. She was still present with us, but after brain surgery to remove a tumor, her fun-loving nature and ability to closely connect with us was lost forever. She died just days […]
Can We Trust God?
Welcome! In this post we’ll dive a bit into how our trusting God affects our everyday life. So here’s the thing: many of us don’t trust God. But if we don’t learn to trust God, we’ll never gain a firm foundation for our Christian faith. We’ll always be unsure if He sees us as loved […]
Ask Him Anything
Dear Josh, I would like to share a story that goes back … to 1985 when you visited our city to spend a week of teaching and ministry in Newcastle England. I was a student then and my memories of that week are still clear in my mind. The teaching you gave us is still with […]
Is Some Truth Just Personal Preference?
You have probably heard someone say, “Well, that may be true for you, but it’s not true for me.” Behind this phrase lies a deep-seated confusion between the concepts of truth and belief. Clearly, we are all entitled to our beliefs. But does that mean that we have our own respective truths? No. Truth is […]
Is it Even Possible to Know Truth?
First, let’s start by defining truth.
Why Did God Create Humans?
Did God create humans because he was needed someone to relate to? Was he bored and one day got really creative and produced a universe that included people? Some speculate that God wanted or needed human relationships, so created us to remove his own aloneness. One big problem with this thinking is that it implies […]
Where Did Evil Come From?
We know that God is perfectly good and holy, and that there is no evil in him. There is the capacity for evil in us, however, as God created humanity with the freedom of choice. Evil comes from an abuse of good power called free will. God may be responsible for the possibility of evil […]