Overcoming Hurdles: I Know God is Real


Friends! We’ve reached the final post in this blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter! Our goal in these 17 posts has been to definitively answer “Who is Jesus?” This week we’re sharing with you how Josh made the leap from diehard skeptic to sold-out believer.  In Josh’s case, the […]

Why is Jesus the Only Way?

Jesus only way

Jesus is our focus in this blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. Why does learning about who Jesus is matter? Because this exploratory journey helps us to definitively answer “Who am I? … “Why am I here?” and “What’s the point of life?”  Why is Jesus the only way […]

Jesus Fit Himself Into Prophecy?


Jesus! He’s our focus in this blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. In this post let’s look at whether prophecy helps us to identify the identity of the Savior. Is Jesus really who He claimed to be — the Son of God and the Jews’ long-awaited Messiah?  Of all […]

Christianity: Philosophy or History?


Jesus! He’s our focus in this blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. His resurrection takes the question, “Is Christianity valid?” out of the realm of philosophy and makes it a question of history. Why? Because there is sufficient evidence to warrant our belief in the resurrection as a real […]

Apostle Paul: Beacon of God’s Power

apostle Paul

Jesus! He’s our focus in this blog series based on Josh McDowell’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter.  In this post let’s look at one of the most influential conversion stories in the Bible: that of Saul of Tarsus. A bitter enemy of the early Church, Saul was personally leading the charge to destroy […]

Disillusioned Disciples Die for a Lie?


Jesus! He’s our focus in this blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. Our goal is to definitively answer “Who is Jesus?,” so that you can answer these big life questions: “Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?”  Jesus’ disciples thought they knew who Jesus was […]

The Gospels Vetted by Three Tests

The Gospels

Welcome back! In this blog series, based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic More Than a Carpenter, we’re asking, “Who is Jesus? Did He really live, die, and resurrect? Is He really the Son of God?” As the New Testament provides the primary historical source for information about Jesus, critics have spent the last two centuries attacking […]

Is Atheism More Reasonable Than Christianity?

Atheism is more reasonable than Christianity

Welcome back to our series based on Josh McDowell’s apologetics book, More Than a Carpenter. Let’s continue discussing why atheists believe society is better chucking religion, particularly Christianity. Let’s start with this assertion: Atheism is more reasonable than Christianity. True? Is Atheism More Reasonable Than Christianity? Atheists assert that atheism holds the rational higher ground. The […]

Is Life Better With Atheism?

better with atheism

Welcome back to our series based on Josh McDowell’s best-selling book, More Than a Carpenter, in which Josh shares the historical evidence for the divinity of Christ, and how Judeo-Christian standards have long benefitted the world. Modern atheists, however, assert that religion is the bane of human existence … that science has disproved God … […]

Does Science Disprove Christ?

Science disprove Christ

Welcome back to our blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. Our goal is to show you that Jesus definitely lived, died, and resurrected. Why? Because if Jesus really is the truth, then He puts everything else about life into perspective!   In this post we answer, “Does science disprove […]

Was Jesus a Lunatic?


Jesus! He’s our focus in this blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. Our goal is to definitively answer “Who is Jesus?,” to help you answer these big life questions: “Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?”  Last week we asked if Jesus was a liar. […]

Do the Facts Prove Jesus?

the facts of Jesus

Welcome back! In this, our blog series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter, it’s time to ask, “Is Jesus a liar?” Or can we actually have confidence in Him? YES! As Josh notes, Jesus claimed to be God, and it was of fundamental importance to Him that we believe Him to […]

Did Jesus Say He Is God?

Jesus Say He Is God

Yay! You’re back for more in this series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. We’re continuing to look at Jesus, to answer the question, “Who is He?” A teacher? A crazy person? Or actually God?   Everything about Jesus seems confounding! At least until we begin to really look at Him, getting […]

Jesus: Truth That Changes Everything


Welcome back to our series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. If you’ve read the four January posts, then you’re up to speed on how Josh journeyed from diehard skeptic to stunned believer in the truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Josh then had to decide if he was willing to […]

Jesus: Truth or Fantasy?


Thanks for joining us for more in this series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. So far you’ve learned about Josh’s search for meaning and purpose, and how he accepted the challenge from a group of college Christians to prove that Jesus was real, not myth. Josh accepted — expecting to […]

Jesus Resurrected, Giving Life Purpose


We started this More Than a Carpenter series two weeks ago, when we shared how Josh earnestly began to search for meaning and purpose when he got to college. His journey to finding answers took a surprising turn when a group of campus Christians challenged Josh to prove his claim that Christianity was pure fantasy. […]

Jesus Christ Offers Meaning?


Last week, when we started this new More Than a Carpenter series,  we shared with you that when Josh got to college, he began to earnestly search for happiness and meaning. But he grew increasingly frustrated by the answers offered up by both his church and his college professors. Not even partying or taking on […]

Searching for Happy


It’s a new year! Are you happy? Does your life have meaning and purpose? Welcome to our new More Than a Carpenter blog series, in which we focus on Jesus! Let’s start with this quote by Thomas Aquinas, the famous philosopher and theologian: “There is within every soul a thirst for happiness and meaning.” Some […]

Trusting Not Santa, But Jesus, at Christmas


When I was a kid, “Christmas” didn’t mean presents. It meant glittering ice trees; fresh, crisp air; houses and streets festive with colored lights and white-frosted windows.  My family was part of a cult that embraced a mishmash of various religions and practices, which meant that because of our version of the Jewish “Holy Days,” […]

Books for the Batboy


From our staff: Recently, we held an Apologetics Seminar at a church in California. One of the people helping me for the weekend was Dan, the Missions Pastor at the church. He shared his story with me of how our ministry influenced his life: I grew up in a religiously diverse family. My two sisters […]

Answers within Reach


Dear Josh: I wanted to write and tell you what an amazing impact your book, More Than a Carpenter has had on me and my youth ministry. It is a great resource for high school and college youth pastors and youth leaders. I am a youth leader at my local church and lead a small […]

“Carpenter” in France


Josh’s book, More than a Carpenter, has been given away on college  campuses, at special Christmas and Easter events, at doctor’s appointments, and in other situations. We are so excited to see the interest people have shown, especially because it is definitely not the expected typical French response: “We gave about 50 copies of the […]

Indestructible Joy


Josh: I have a great story to tell, and will try to give you the very abbreviated version here. Around 2006 a business acquaintance, John, and I got acquainted on a more personal level, and went on a few dates. About a week into this ‘dating’ phase, I learned that John did not share my […]

Coaching Basketball and the Word


Coleen knew she was taking a risk. Sharing her faith in the closed country in Central Asia where she was serving as a teacher and coach could get her thrown out of the country — or even arrested. In this region of the world, there is one dominant religion. Other religions, like Christianity, are forbidden. […]